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Health With Essential Oils
When it comes to essential oils the sad truth is that there is no governing body to regulate those who produce or distributes them. This means any essential oil company can put other synthetic and non synthetic 'additives' in an oil changing its potency and changing its chemical composition thus making them harmful to the body's system and still call them 'pure'. This can cause major issues when it comes to using essential oils leading to allergic reactions and other unnecessary issues A pure essential oil should never cause allergic reactions.
dōTERRA Essential oils have taken it upon themselves to be the first to make themselves accountable for their oils in the hope that other essential oil companies will follow. They have invested a great deal of time and money towards creating a certification for their oils 'Certified Pure Therapeutic grade'. This means they have to meet very high standards of purity with their oils in order to qualify as a pure essential oil.
With this standard of purity they can advertise their oils as 'safe', something no other essential oil company can yet do. This means the oils are 'safe' enough to take internally and are actually considered 'beyond organic' due to their purity. The benefits of this are shown throughout the thousands of reviews the dōTERRA receive every year.
Even simply by placing a diffuser in your office or home can massively change how you
feel. Diffusers work quietly in the background sending out a gentle mist which is
un-intrusive yet 'very' effective. The work place and home becomes a calmer place to be
with the added benefit of amazing aromas and contributing to better health and wellness.
If the dōTERRA essential oils are calling you and wish to know more about them and what a safe, beyond organic & 100% pure essential oil can offer you and your family , we would love to help you in your quest towards a new understanding of wellness. Simply click the link below or in the contact us page.